10 Best Tips For Fuller Lips: The Dos and The Don’ts CandyLipz January 4, 2014 Lip Plumper Tips Beautiful luscious lips are an object of desire. Having beautiful full lips are not easy to maintain. By the time we reach the age of 18, our lips start to thin out, lengthen, widen, and flatten. If you follow these guidelines, you are going to have beautiful youthful lips for many years ahead. 10 Best Tips For Beautiful Luscious Lips Passionate kissing 5 to 10 minutes a day is very important if you want full luscious lips. Having top shape lips requires a lot of work! Basically, when you have full luscious lips, you have a very muscular, tone, firm, perky lips and mouth. When you kiss passionately, you work over 140 muscles on the face and neck. Muscle has 80% water as compared to 2% in fat. As you age, you lose lip muscle and have more fat in the lips and mouth area. As a result, your lips lengthen, flatten, lose projection, and definition. There are less fluids in your lips and mouth tissues so they do not swell up or hold fluids as easily as when you were young. Make it a habitual deal with your partner and set aside a time each day to kiss, kiss, and kiss. Sexual arousal also causes the lips to swell due to the increase of blood flow to the tissues though the widening of blood vessels. You want to look young, it is time to exercise your lips. If you do not have time, candylipping is the way to go! Drinking cold water shrinks the lips- drink hot water to invigorate and move blood and fluid to your lips. Cold body temperature causes the lips to shrink- Keep yourself warm at all time. Always apply a good moisturizer to your lips day and night to keep the lips moist and luscious. Stay hydrated. Take your weight in pounds and divide by two in order to determine how many ounces of water you should drink per day. Water, not coffee, caffeinated drinks or soda beverages! 20% of the water you consume will come from foods. Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs or pain killers. They can shrink your lips. Do not make it a habit to use these drugs on a daily basis. (Caffeine and smoking tobacco shrink lips as well.) Eat a lemon a day. Your body cannot manufacture Vitamin C. It is needed to produce collagen. As we age, your lips and skin lose elastin and collagen muscle fibers. It is wise to add Vitamin C to your daily beauty care regimen. Your body needs collagen. You can add organic collagen supplements, organic gelatin, and/or eat bone-broth soups with tendon and cartilage to help your body produce collagen. Try to eat bone-broth soups 2 to 3 times a week. Do sauna at least once a week. Get a good deep facial massage once a week to keep the blood moving throughout the face. APPLE KISS VS. PASSIONATE KISS Could they be the same? In recent years, celebrity endorsements by Olympic swimmers and professional football players to famous Hollywood actresses and actors such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin, Jennifer Aniston, Denise Richards, Anna Lynne McCord, Kelly Osbourne, Jessica Simpson, David Arquette, Denise Richards, Cate Blanchett, Ralph Fiennes, Kate Moss, and Victoria Beckham have raised the profile of Cupping Therapy. Cupping Therapy is an ancient medical treatment which uses suction cups to enhance blood circulation in the body in order to encourage healing as shown in the image below. In suction-based technology lip plumpers, the cup is placed on the lips. Some experts suggest that cupping therapy may use the hyperemia mechanism to induce the widening of blood vessels in the skin which causes the tissue to expand. Did you know that hyperemia occurs when the sex organs are enlarged when they are aroused or stimulated? Well, the lips are an erogenous body part. They also swell when they are touched, kissed, and aroused. It is possible that the suction of the lip plumper simulates the sensation of kissing. It can be suggested that the lip swelling is elicited via the hyperemia mechanism. CandyLipz Apple Kiss may mimic Passionate Kiss. What do you think? If you like this article: please join CandyLipz® Facebook Page by clicking on this link. You will be alerted when we post new articles. Thank you for reading CandyLipz Blog. www.CandyLipz.com The Pouty Lips You Always Wanted. Naturally. Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.